StyleControls VCL
Version 5.80
- added: tabs separator for tab / page controls (see ShowTabSeparator and TabOptions properties)
- added: TabsLineMode for TscAdvancedTabControl and TscGPTabControl controls
(set it True to have tabs area as client area, in which you can add controls from left and right with align property and defined TabsLeftOffset and TabsRightOffset properties).
- improved: TscAdvancedListBox, TscAdvancedComboBox, TscGPListBox, TscGPComboBox controls
- improved: VCL Styles support in some controls
- improved: styled menus behavior
- added: some optimizations and improvements in code
Version 5.77
- added: HitTestTransparent property for TscFormTabsBar, TscGPPanel, TscPanel, TscGPLabel, TscLabel controls
- added: possible support of TTitleBarPanel control and TCustomForm.CustomTitleBar property
- added: new demo for RAD Studio Athens to show interaction of TCustomForm.CustomTitleBar property, TTitleBarPanel control and TscFormTabsBar control
- added: ReadOnlyExceptDropDown property for TscAdvancedComboEdit and TscGPComboEdit controls
- added: new properties for TscGPComboBox controls to customize dropdown arrow
- added: OnDrawCellText for TscStringGrid control (use it to draw any content in text area over selection)
- added: some optimizations and improvements in code
Version 5.76
- added: Margin property for TscExPanel control + improvements
- added: automatic dragging support for TscAdvancedListBox, TscGPListBox, TscGridView and TscHorzListBox controls
- improved: TscStatusBar control
- improved: VCL Styles support in scStyleManager unit
- added: New demo with Skia VCL Lottie Animations for RAD Studio Athens (see Skia_Interaction_Fluent_MultiView folder)
Version 5.75
- added: TscGPGlyphContainerButton control (it uses any TControl as Glyph inside)
- added: special demo for RAD Studio Athens with Skia VCL controls and TscGPGlyphContainerButton
(TskAnimationImage with Lottie animations and TskSvg control - really new level of UI in your applications)
- updated: GP controls demos - TscGPGlyphContainerButton controls and other controls inside it are added
- added: CanFocused property for all tab/page controls + improvements for all
- added: improvements for TscFormTabsBar control
Version 5.70
- added: TscFormTabsBar control for RAD Studio Athens
(for TCustomForm.VisualManager property (analogue of standard TFormTabsBar control))
- added: Demos for TscFormTabsBar control (MDI, SDI, UWP)
- added: TStyledForm.CreateStyleMenu method to create menu with VCL styles list
- added: new scfuibAcrylicBlurAuto value for TStyledForm.FluentUIBackground property
(component will check the OS version and use scfuibBlur for Windows 10 and cfuibAcrylic for Windows 11 system for better performance)
- added: TscStyledForm.OnChangeFluentUIBackground event
- updated: FluentUI demos
- added: improvements and optimizations in TscStyledForm component
- added: extended column drawing support for TscListView with vsTile view style (subline can be as progressbar)
- added: new demo for listview customization and new Tile view for RAD Studio Athens
- added: TscDBGrid.OnGetDataLinkParams event (use it to set custom row color, for example)
- improved: TscHtmlLabel control
- fixed: RTL support in some controls
- updated: code for StretchTabs property in TscGPTabControl, TscGPPageControl controls
- added: DoDropDown method for button controls
Version 5.62
- added: scgpessStyled shape style for TscGPEdit and TscGPPasswordEdit controls + DB versions
- added: Cursor property for left and right buttons in edit controls
- added: RightClickSupport property for TscAdvancedListBox, TscGPListBox, TscGridView controls
- added: performance optimizations in TscTreeView control
- added: support for 23.2.3+ version of DevExpress VCL
- updated: some methods are now virtual in TscGPCustomEdit class
- improved: TscStyledForm component (DWM border resizing behavior if DWM shadow is disabled in system)
- improved: Color property support in TscGPCustomEdit class if TransparentBackground is False
- improved: OnDrawDataCell event support in TscDBGrid control
Version 5.61
- improved: TscPageControl control (inherited from standard TPageControl)
- added: new High-DPI demo with customization of TscPageControl
- improved: TscTreeView and TscListView controls
- fixed: compatibility with TCustomTreeView.CheckBoxes and TscTreeView.CheckBoxes property in RAD Studio Athens
- added: Tile View support for TscListView control (new for RAD Studio Athens)
- added: new High-DPI demo with customization of TscTreeView and TscListView controls
- improved: TscLabel and TscGPLabel controls behavior on High-DPI systems if AutoSize and WordWrap properties are True
- added: new High-DPI demo for custom dropdown forms
- added: some optimizations and improvements in code
Version 5.60
- added: RAD Studio 12 Athens support
- updated: code to support new font scaling features for RAD Studio 12 Athens
- updated: TscStyledForm component for MDI application in RAD Studio 12 Athens (MDI support is improved and updated in this RAD Studio)
- improved: code for High-DPI support in some controls in mutli-monitors systems
- added: PathEllipsis property for TscLabel and TscGPLabel controls
- added: KeepDatePart for TscDBTimeEdit and TscGPDBTimeEdit controls
- added: KeepTimePart for TscDBDateEdit and TscGPDBDateEdit controls
- improved: drawing of TscGPThemedCharGlyphButton control with StyleKind = scbsLink
- improved: Back method for TscShellListView control (now it checks root folder)
- updated: AutoExecute now works without AutoNavigate in TscShellListView control
- improved: Fluent UI support for Alexandria+ versions
- added: some optimizations and improvements for code
- updated: help
Version 5.52
- added: TabTextActiveBold, TabTextMargin, TabSequence, StretchTabs properties for TscGPTabControl, TscGPPageControl (see help)
- added: TabTextActiveBold, TabSequence properties for TscGPToolPager control (see help)
- updated: New_Ribbon_UI... demos with new TabTextActiveBold property as True
- added: checking of data link editing in some DB controls in CMExit method (code was missing)
- added: some optimizations and improvements in code
- updated: help
Version 5.51
- added: OnItemDblClick event for TscAdvancedListBox and TscGPListBox controls
- improved: behavior of TscAdvancedListBox control
- added: support of DevExpress VCL v.23 (new variant of scDevExStyleAdapter unit)
- improved: scrolling in TscScrollPanel, TscGPScrollPanel controls and in pages of TscToolPager and TscGPToolPager controls
- updated: help
Version 5.50
- added: FrameRadius, FrameBGFillColor, FrameBGFillColorAlpha for all GP tab / page controls
- added: ScrollButtonsTransparent property for TscGPScrollPanel and for pages in TscGPToolPager control
- improved: drawing of all GP tab / page controls
- added: new demos for Ribbon UI, which look as analogue of New MS Office UI (new features are added specially for that)
- improved: TscStyledForm component for MDI forms
Version 5.20
- added: TscGPThemedGlyphButton control (button with themed / styled shape (multi-styled as TscButton), but with vector glyph (styled analogue of TscGPGlyphButton))
- added: TscGPThemedCharGlyphButton control (button with themed / styled shape (multi-styled as TscButton), but with glyph from FontAwesome font (styled analogue of TscGPCharGlyphButton))
- added: ThumbChangeSizeEffect, ThumbChangeSizeInflateValue properties in ScollBarOptions for TscGP.. controls with scrollbars (effect to change thumb size when mouse over it)
Version 5.16
- added: OnGetItemTextColor event for TscListView control - use it to set different text color for item and subitems
- added: AutoClear property for TscGPEdit control - use it to enable / disable clearing text with edit button with scgpebClear kind
- added: Tag property for items in TscGPListBox, TscGPComboBox, TscAdvancedListBox, TscAdvancedComboBox controls
Version 5.15
- added: HotTrack property support in TscTreeView control if DefaultDraw is False
- improved: support for OnGetImageIndex and OnGetSelectedIndex in TscTreeView control
- improved: input and checking float value in TscGPNumericEdit, TscGPSpinEdit, TscNumericEdit and TscSpinEdit controls
- fixed: Tab font height setting in TscStyledForm component (tabs in form caption)
- added: some optimizations and improvements in code
Version 5.14
- added: TscGPPanel.RoundedCorners property to adjust each corner of rounded shape and frame
- improved: TscGPPanel.AdjustClientRect method
- improved: TscGPSlider control with ValueChangeWithStep = True (behavior with mouse events)
- updated: help
Version 5.12
- added: ShowHiddenObjects property for TscSelectPathDialog
- added: Visible property for sections and items in TscButtonsBar control
- added: BeginUpdateItems and EndUpdateItems methods for TscButtonsBar control
- fixed: Click event is not fired if you manually set Checked property to True in TscRadioButton and TscGPRadioButton controls
Version 5.11
- added: TscStyleManager.SystemShellDialogs property to globally enable / disable using of standard system dialogs in
TscOpenDialog, TscSaveDialog, TscOpenPictureDialog and TscSavePictureDialog components
- added: scGPFontCollection variable in scGPControls unit to work with custom font collection in GP controls (DrawTextMode = scdtmGDIPlus)
- improved: code for TscButton and TscGPButton controls
- fixed: TscPageViewer, TscGPPageViewer controls behavior in designer when you set Visible property
- updated: help
- updated: demos with ImageKit VCL and SmartEffects VCL
Version 5.10
- package is tested and ready to use with latest RAD Studio Alexandria 11.2
- added: TscDBColorButton, TscGPDBColorButton controls (use integer value from DB for ColorValue property)
- added: Ticks support in TscGPTrackBar control + updated track drawing offsets
(see help for ShowTicks, TickThickness, TickSize, TickStep, TickRounded and ValueChangeStep properties)
- added: new shape styles for TscGPButton, TscGPGlyphButton and TscGPCharGlyphButton controls
(see new scgpSegmentedTop, scgpSegmentedTopRounded, scgpSegmentedMiddleVertical, scgpSegmentedBottom, scgpSegmentedBottomRounded values for Options.ShapeStyle property)
- improved: all page controls (GP and theming) for working in designer
(added filtering in ActivePage property and selecting page from form structure tree)
- updated: demos with GP controls
- updated: help
Version 5.08
- added: Visible property for items in TscGPListBox, TscGPComboBox and TscGPComboEdit controls
- improved: TscGPListBox and TscGPComboBox controls
- improved: TscEdit control (ContentMargin... properties (AutoSize = False))
- added: some optimizations and improvements in code
Version 5.07
- improved: High-DPI support for DevExpress VCL v.21.2 (VCL Style adapter unit with improvement and fixes)
- added: new scupkInLine style for up / down buttons in TscSpinEdit and TscGPSpinEdit controls (more modern look)
- added: accepting controls to the TscGPCircledProgressBar control (now you can put any control on it and, for example, internal TscGPCircledProgressBar)
- added: alpha values of custom colors for track area in TscTrackBar control (more flexible adjustment)
- improved: drawing of TscGPPageControl, TscGPTabControl and TscGPToolPager controls
Version 5.06
- added: support of DevExpress VCL v. 21.2.4
- added: requested virtual methods for TscGPDBMemo
- fixed: drawing of transparent controls on TscToolBar control
Version 5.05
- added: TscButton.DisabledFontColor property to set any custom font color for disabled state
- added: virtualization for classes in scGPFontControls unit
- fixed: actualization of ItemIndex property after some operations with items in TscGPListBox, TscGPComboBox controls
- fixed: per-control styling in TscCalcEdit control (text colors)
- improved: code for animation for dropdown forms functionality (TscStyledForm component)
- tested with new RAD Studio 11.1 version
Version 5.04
- added: support for DevExpress VCL v.21.2 (adapter unit for VCL Styles support)
- fixed: problem with TscSplitView control in inheritable forms in RAD Studio Alexandria
Version 5.03
- added: MouseWheelSupport property for TscScrollPanel and TscGPScrollPanel controls
- added: MouseWheelSupport property for pages in TscToolPager and TscGPToolPager controls
- added: TscStyledForm.DropDownControl public read-only property (for dropdown forms functionality)
- updated: code refactoring - LongInt type changed to LPARAM in SendMessage and Perform methods
Version 5.02
- added: Tag, Hint and Description properties for TscGridView control items
- added: support for Proportional property of TscGPImageCollection in TscGPVirtualImageList component
- improved: GDI+ drawing for some elements in controls
- fixed: loading of some old projects with TscGPVirtualImageList component if DirectDraw is True
- added: some demos, which use standard TImageCollection and TVirtualImageList (native solution).
Version 5.01
- added: TscStyledForm.DWMClientRoundedCornersType (now you can disable / enable rounded corners for DWM border on Windows 11)
- updated: Fluent UI demos to show enabling / disabling rounded corners for DWM border on Windows 11
- improved: hit test behavior of DWM shadow on High-DPI systems
- added: TabsPosition property for TscGPVertTabControl and TscGPVertPageControl (now can be right placement for tabs without setting of BidiMode property)
- added: OnTabsAreaClick property for all GP tab / page controls (click event for the tabs area)
- improved: TscGPVirtualImageList component (DirectDraw property behavior since Rio version - enable it if you work with actions)
Version 5.0
General goal - support for new Windows 11 UI trends!
- added: new properties for TscGPSwitch control for Windows 11 UI
(FrameWidth, ThumbMargin, ThumbMarginHot, ThumbMarginPressed)
- added: new properties for TscGPTrackBar control for Windows 11 UI
(TrackRounded, ThumbBorderInColor, ThumbBorderOutColor + new scgptssRoundedBorder value for ThumbShapeStyle)
- added: new properties for TscGPButton control for Windows 11 UI
(new values for Options.ShapeStyle to have left/top/right/bottom rounded lines + ShapeStyleLineSize to set specific line size)
- added: new properties for options in all GP Tab/Page + Vert Tab/Page controls for Windows 11 UI
(new style with rounded bottom line (see new gptsRoundedLine, gptsLine values for TabOptions.TabStyle + TabOptions.LineWidth property)
- added: new demo for TscGPVertPageControl see "GPVertPageControl_Win11_UI" folder in High-DPI demos archive
- added: new properties for options in all GP Edit controls for Windows 11 UI
(FocusedLineColor, FocusedLineWidth)
- added: new values for TscGPGlyphButton.GlyphOptions.Kind:
(scgpbgkMaximizeRounded, scgpbgkRestoreRounded - vector copies of icons from Windows 11 with rounded corners
scgpbgkMaximizeRect, scgpbgkRestoreRect - icons will be always rectangular
scgpbgkMaximize, scgpbgkRestore - these values now have platform specific and on Windows 11 icons will be with rounded corners
- added: new values for kind property of left/right buttons in TscGPEdit control (scgpebPassword, scgpebFolder)
- updated: all DB controls (improved TDataSource.AutoEdit, ReadOnly support and more)
- improved: support of default TVirtualImageList component in all controls
- added: many improvements in code for controls
- updated: aUWP / Fluent demos to use new properties in controls, which can be different for Windows 7, 10, 11 UI
- updated: GP control demos to show new properties
- added: many improvements in code for controls
- updated: help (see new properties for controls)
Version 4.94
- added: RAD Studio 11 Alexandria support
Version 4.93
- added: CaptionCenterAlignment property for TscButton, TscGPButton, TscGPGlyphButton and TscGPCharGlyphButton controls (now multi-line text can be always centered)
- improved: TscAppPager control (now glow effects for caption and items use buffers and draw very faster)
- improved: support of system themes and colors in controls on Windows 11 system
Version 4.92
- added: support for DevExpress VCL v. 21.X (special adapter unit to use VCL Styles (for controls, which have LookAndFeel property))
- added: refactoring of some code in controls and components (preparing for VCL Styles support in designing time (for new RAD Studio 11))
- improved: TscFormStyleHook class
- improved: tab/page controls
- improved: TscShellTreeView control (excluding archives from folders)
Version 4.91
- updated: UWP / Fluent UI Form behavior in maximized state (Windows 7, 8, 10, 11)
- improved: Fluent UI suppot on Windows 11 system
- improved: code for TscStyledForm component
Version 4.90
- added: Windows 11 Fluent UI Blur background and frame support
- tested: all controls and components on Windows 11 system
- tested: working with System Theme and VCL Styles on Windows 11 system
- recompiled: all demos with Fluent UI
Version 4.85
- added: MouseWheelSupport property for TscScrollBox control and for all controls, which inherited from it
- added: ShowCloseButtonOnActiveTabOnly property for TscGPVertTabControl and TscGPVertPageControl
- added: improvements in code for some controls
- fixed: drawing of some elements in DevExpress VCL Styles adapter unit for 20.X version
Version 4.84
- improved: scDialogs unit and methods for messages
- updated: TscCustomControl.FullUpdateControl method and support of it in page controls
- added: optimizations in code
Version 4.83
- added: OnGetTabImage event all page / tab controls (now you can set image list and image index for tab on the fly)
- added: new properties to adjust transparency and basic colors for scroll buttons in all GP page / tab controls (see ScrollButton... properties)
- added: new properties to adjust scroll buttons in TscGPScrollPanel and pages in TscGPToolPager (see ScrollButton... properties)
- improved: drawing and behavior of all GP page / tab controls on the transparent background
- updated: FluentUI and HighDPI demos with TscGPToolPager control (Ribbon UI analogue)
Version 4.82
- added: TabCloseButtonOptions property for all TscGP... page / tab controls (now you can customize each state of close button for tab)
- added: EnableDragReorderTabs property for all page / tab controls (now you can drag and reorder visible tabs)
- added: RightClickSelect property support for TscTreeView control
- improved: tab drawing for TscGPVertPageControl and TscGPVertTabControl
- added: some optimizations in code for tab / page controls
- added: ItemTextAlignment property for TscGPListBox and TscGPComboBox controls
Version 4.81
- improved: Windows 10 (20H1 and 20H2 versions) Fluent UI Acrylic Blur Background support
(updated applying of border with DWM shadow, moving and resizing behavior of the form)
- improved: some Fluent UI and UWP demos
Version 4.80
- updated: drawing methods in TscGPPageControl, TscGPTabControls controls with TabWidth > 0
- added: TscGPImageCollectionItem.LoadPngFromStream method (TscGPImageCollection component)
- improved: drawing of Prompt Text in all editors (now it can draws with ellipsis)
- improved: behavior of all page and tabs controls from the package
- updated: TabFromPoint method is public now in TscGPPageControl and TscGPTabControl
- fixed: problems with TscPageViewer and TscGPPageViewer controls on inheritable form
- improved: some GDI+ controls (TscGP... controls)
- added: some optimizations in code
Version 4.79
- added: ResizeTargetControl property for TscGPSizeBox control (now you can link and resize any control)
- added: ShapeCornerRadius option for TscGPCheckBox and TscGPListBox controls
- improved: drawing of shapes in some GP controls
- added: some optimizations in code
Version 4.78
- added: MouseWheelSupport property for TscFrameBar control
- added: inherited forms support for all page controls (TscToolPager, TscAdvancedPager, TscGPToolPager, TscGPPageControl and etc.)
- improved: styled form behavior (TscStyledForm component)
- updated: help
Version 4.77
- added: PromptText property for TscMemo and TscGPMemo controls
- fixed: paste multi-line text in all edit controls
- improved: some code in all page controls
- fixed: some problems in TscDBCheckBox and TscGPDBCheckBox controls
- updated: help
Version 4.76
- added: HideMaskWithEmptyText property for all edits, in which mask is set
- added: MouseWheelSupport property for TscToolPager control
- improved: TscAdvancedComboEdit and TscGPComboEdit controls
- improved: TscSelectDirectoryDialog component
- added: small improvements in some code
- updated: help
Version 4.75
- added: TabWidth property for TscGPTabControl and TscGPPageControl
- added: ShowCloseButtonOnActiveTabOnly for TscGPTabControl and TscGPPageControl
- added: new ...LineRect shape styles for GP edit and combo controls
- updated: help
Version 4.74
- added: ToggleMode property for TscButton, TscGPButton, TscGlyphButton and TscGPCharGlyphButton controls (toggle Down property)
- fixed: problem with TscSplitView control in 10.4 Sydney
- added: some optimizations and improvements in code
- updated: help
Version 4.73
- added: WordWrap property for TscPanel, TscGpPanel controls
- fixed: problem with styled main menu in 10.4 Sydney (TscStyledForm component)
- improved: ReadOnly property support in shell controls
- updated: help
Version 4.72
- added: Alignment property for TscCheckBox, TscRadioButton, TscGPCheckBox and TscGPRadioButton controls
- improved: processing of OnClick event for tabs in all tab / page controls
- improved: TscStyledForm component (VCL Styles support)
- improved: drawing of styled menus
- added: new demos specially for 10.4 Sydney
Version 4.71
- added: StyleName property for all dialogs (per-control styling support for 10.4) - now you can set any style for dialogs
- updated: GetPageIndex method now public for all tab and page controls
- improved: tab visiblity changing in all tab and page controls
- added:
support for DevExpress VCL v. 20.X (special adapter unit to use VCL
Styles (for controls, which have LookAndFeel property))
- improved: per-control styling support in some controls (for 10.4)
Version 4.70
- added: RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney support
- added: support of new High-DPI VCL styles (new for 10.4)
- added: support of per-control styling (new for 10.4)
- added: StyleName for all controls (new for 10.4 (for per-control styling feature))
- added: demos with new features for 10.4 Sydney
- improved: High-DPI support in some controls
- updated: help
Version 4.63
- added: OnGetCellParams event for TscDBGrid, in which you can
set background color, alphavalue for background color, font color for
each cell
- added: some optimizations and improvements in code
- improved: edit controls with buttons
- updated: some demos and help
Version 4.62
- improved: Fluent UI Light effect on GP buttons and also now it
can be clipped depending button shape (ellipse or rounded corners)
- improved: behavior of GP Buttons with Fluent UI light effects, which have drop down menus and forms
- added: Margin propertry for glyph options in TscGPFontGlyphButton control
- updated: now OnMouseUp event on buttons, checkboxes executed after click event
- added: new shape styles for GP buttons: LeftRightLine and TopBottomLine
- updated: some demos
Version 4.61
- added: MouseWheelSupport property for TscSpinEdit and
TscGPSpinEdit controls (now you can enable / disable it, instead of old
behavior when it always enabled)
- added: MouseWheelOpposite
properyty for TscTrackBar, TscGPTrackBar controls( If True then
increasing and decreasing of the value will be opposite from mouse
wheel delta)
- added: OnCustomDrawItemText for TscTreeView
control (now you can adjust text drawing for item, for example,
set text color for it)
- added: Navigation items for pages in component menu for TscPageViewer and TscGPPageViewer controls
- improved: TscTimeEdit, TscGPTimeEdit controls
- fixed: problem with using equal Accel char in buttons on different pages of multi-page controls
- updated: help
Version 4.60
- added: FluentLightEffect for TscGPButton, TscGPGlyphButton and
TscGPCharGlyphButton controls (Fluent UI lighting effect with
highlighted mouse movement and pressed animation)
- added: new styles for TscGPButton,
TscGPGlyphButton and
TscGPCharGlyphButton controls (see Options.ShapeStyle property with new
scgpLeftLineMargins, scgpRightLineMargins, scgpTopLineMargins,
scgpBottomLineMargins values)
- added: new UsePressedHotColors property in Options for TscGPButton, TscGPGlyphButton and
TscGPCharGlyphButton controls
- updated: Fluent UI demos with new FluentLightEffect property and other new features for buttons
- improved: TscExPanel control (fixed some bugs also)
- improved: drawing of TscTreeView item with checkbox and image
- added: MouseWheelSupport property for TscTrackBar, TscGPTrackBar (now you can enable / disable mouse wheel support)
- added: some optimizations in code
- updated: help
Version 4.55
- improved: RTL support for TscDrawGrid, TscStringGrid and TscDBGrid controls
- added: ContentMargin... properties for TscGPPanel control (as in TscGPLabel)
- added:
CustomDraw property for edit controls (use it to prevent drawing of any
content in non-focused edit with OnDrawBackground event)
- fixed: behavior of TscDBToggleSwitch and TscGPDBToggleSwitch controls with ReadOnly data link
- improved: behavior of the Fluent UI form
- added: Fluent UI Pages demo
- improved: Fluent UI demos
- updated: help
Version 4.54
- added: TscStyledForm.FluentUIAcrylicColorInActiveOpaque property
(opaque for inactive form with Fluent Acrylic Blur background as in
native system windows
- added: new Fluent UI demos with UI like MS Paint 3D
- improved: behavior of styled form (TscStyledForm component with VCL Styles)
- improved: UWP-like form behavior ((TscStyledForm.DWMClientShadow = True)
- added: some optimizations in code
- updated: Fluent UI demos
Version 4.53
- improved: drawing items with long text in TscGPListBox and TscGPComboBox controls
- improved: behavior of all button controls, which has a dropdown menu
- improved: behavior of NC-button, which has a dropdown menu (TscStyledForm component)
- improved: behavior of buttons in edit controls (LeftButton and RightButton with has a dropdown menu)
- improved: TscPageViewer control
- improved: TscGPSlider control
- updated: Fluent UI demos and High-DPI demos
Version 4.52
- added: peformance optimizations
- fixed: DC leaks in some editor controls
- improved: TscStyledForm component (UWP-like form behavior ( TscStyledForm.DWMClientShadow = True))
Version 4.51
- added: TscGPMeter90 control
- added: support of
TscGPButton.Spacing < 0 and TscGPButton.ImageMargin > 0 (now
image and text can placed as in TscGPGlyphButton and
TscGPCharGlyphButton controls)
- updated: TscActivityIndicator - no size limitations now
- updated:
TscGPToggleSwitch.SwitchWidth now can has value < 40
and TscGPToggleSwitch.SwitchHeight now can has value < 20
- fixed: form behavior with Fluent UI Acrylic background on Windows 10 1903 Update
- updated:
all Fluent UI demos
Version 4.50
- added: FluentUIBackground, FluentUIAcrylicColor,
FluentUIAcrylicColorAlpha, FluentUIBorer properties to the
TscStyledForm component (use them to adjust Windows 10
Fluent UI Blur background support)
- added: DrawTextMode property for all TscGP... controls (set it to the scdtmGDIPlus on the Fluent UI Blur background)
- added:
FluentUIOpacity property to some controls, like TscPanel and TscGPPanel
and other (use it to set opacity area on the form with Fluent UI
- added: improvements and optimizations in the TscGP... controls
- added: new FluentUI demo pack to show Windows 10 Fluent UI Blur background support
- added: new demos to the High-DPI demo pack
- updated hep
Version 4.41
- added: HorzScrollDirection and VertScrollDirection properties
for TscScrollPanel and TscGPScrollPanel (now scroll direction can be
right to left and bottom to top also)
- added: HorzRollButtonPosition property for TscExPanel control (position for roll button in horizontal caption)
- added: ARightToLeft parameter in TscStyledForm.DropDown methods
- added: TscStyleManager.RTLMode property (right to left for dialogs)
- improved: RTL support in TscComboBoxEx control
- improved: page controls
- updated: help
Version 4.40
- added: TscGPPanel.BackgroundStyle property
- added: TscAppPager.ItemsTopOffset property
- added: OnDrawBackground event for all edit controls
- added: properties for custom item background and text colors in TscAdvancedListBox and TscGPListBox controls
- added:
DetailPosition and DetailWordWrap for items in TscAdvancedListBox,
TscGPListBox, TscGPComboBox, TscAdvancedComboBox controls
- added: a lot of small improvements and optimizations in code
- improved: RTL support in controls
- updated: help
Version 4.31
- added: public ClickDisabled property for TscCheckBox, TscRadioButton, TscGPCheckBox and TscGPRadioButton controls
- added: DialogButtonColor, CaptionTextColor, SeparatorColor properties for TscGPGroupToolPanel control (custom adjustment)
- added: DividerColor property for TscAppMenu color (custom adjustment)
- added: PixelOffsetModeHighQuality
and InterpolationModeHighQuality property for item in
TscGPImageCollection component
- improved: all pager controls
- improved: TscGPVirualImageList component
- improved: TscGPScrollPanel and TscGPToolPager controls
- added:
new High-DPI CustomGPRibbon_Transparent demo with semi-transparent
ribbon (TscGPToolPager control) with techno design idea
Version 4.30
- updated: scDialogs unit was completely rewritten (now all
message dialogs are fully scalable and use TscGPCharImage control for
glyph, which can be adapted for VCL Style colors automatically)
- added: TscStringGrid.OnGetCellParams event (now you can customize background and font for each cell)
- added: ArrowDirection property for all button controls (direction of dropdown arrow and drop down menu)
- added:
additional properties for flexible adjustment arrow in
TscGPButtonOptions property for TscGPButton, TscGPGlyphButton and
TscGPCharGlyphButton controls
- added: Badge property for TscGPButton, TscGPGlyphButton and TscGPCharGlyphButton controls
- added: improvements in VCL Style hook classes
- improved: TscStyledForm component
- added: some small improvements and optimizations in code
- updated: help and demos
Version 4.27
- added: HidePromptTextIfFocused property for all edit controls
- added: EnableValue and Values properties for TscDBComboBox, TscAdvancedDBComboBox and TscGPDBComboBox controls
- added: some small improvements and optimizations in code
- updated: help
Version 4.26
- added: CanFocused property for TscToggleSwitch and TscGPToggleSwitch controls
- added: ButtonClick method now is public in TscButton and TscGPButton controls
- added: support of ReadOnly property for TscDBToggleSwitch and TscGPDBToggleSwitch controls
- improved: TscGPListBox control
- improved: scrolling in TscAdvancedListBox, TscHorzListBox controls
- fixed: ReadOnly not works in TscDBCheckBox, TscGPDBCheckBox controls
Version 4.25
- added: TscStyledForm.CaptionWallpapers, TscStyledForm.CaptionWallpaperIndex
and other properties (see help) to add additional custom background for
styled form caption (you can use it to add holiday background, for
- added: big improvements to adjust and scale form border with PerMonitorV2 manifest in RAD Studio 10.3 Rio
- fixed: some scale problems with PerMonitorV2 manifest in RAD Studio 10.3 Rio
- improved: scaling of styled menus
- updated: help
- updated: recompiled High-DPI demos in RAD Studio 10.3 Rio
- updated: CtrlsDemo in High-DPI demos (added holiday background demo for form caption)
Version 4.22
- added: StorePaintBuffer in TscScrollBox control (see help)
- added: StorePaintBuffer for pages in all our page controls (see help)
- added: ClickOnDataChange property for TscDBCheckBox and TscGPDBCheckBox controls
- added: some optimizations in code
- improved: edit and memo controls in transparency mode
- improved: TscStyledForm component (DWMClientShadow functionality)
- improved: drawing of some vector glyphs in TscGPGlyphButton control
- updated: some High-DPI demos
- updated: help
Version 4.21
- added: ArrowAreaWidth property to the TscGPComboBox.Options property
- added:
Width and GlyphSize property for buttons in TscGPEdit control and other
GP... edit controls (now you have more flexible adjustment of buttons
in editors)
- added: MouseWheelSupport property in
TscGPComboxBox, TscGPDBComboBox controls (set it to False if you want
disable mouse wheel support in some cases)
- improved: DB controls (themed and GP (GDI+) controls)
- improved: scaling of styled menus (VCL Style is active)
Version 4.20
- added: support of RAD Studio 10.3 Rio
- added:
support of "PerMonitorV2" DPI Awareness option (available in 10.3 Rio) for
all controls (now they use per monitor system metrics and theme data)
- added: a lot of improvements in controls for better scaling
- improved: TscHint component - now it uses per monitor font size and per monitor cursor size to get position
- added:
TscHint.ActiveForApplication property - use it to replace all hints in
applications to hints from TscHint component (this helps you to fix all
problems with hints on multi-monitors High-DPI systems)
- improved: behavior of all page and tab controls (themed and GDI+)
- fixed: scaling image with custom size in TscGPCharGlyphButton and TscGPCharImage controls under Berlin and Tokyo
- updated: all HIgh-DPI demos - now they compiled in 10.3 Rio with "PerMonitorV2" DPI Awareness option
Version 4.18
- added: TscDBToggleSwitch and TscGPDBToggleSwitch controls (DB version of switch controls)
- added:
additional DragTopForm property (for DragForm property) in TscLabel,
TscGPLabel, TscPanel and TscGPPanel controls (set this property to
false for dragging form inside other form)
- added: scgfpNone value for TGroupBox.FramePosition property (set this value to hide groupbox frame)
- improved: TscStyledForm.DWMClientShadow and TscStyledForm.DWMClientShadowHitTest properties (see UWP-like demos)
- updated: UWP MultiView demo template with custom design (added second UWP form and UWP form for messages)
- updated:
UWP Styled (VCL Styles) MultiView demo template (now you can see styled
second UWP form and styled UWP form for messages)
Version 4.17
- improved: DWMClientShadow property support in TscStyledForm
component (switch themes (Aero / Classic) under Windows 7, VCL Styles)
- improved: TscDBGrid control (vertical scrollbar behavior)
- fixed: OnItemClick event in TscAdvancedListBox, TscGPListBox control called twice in some cases
- added: new "CustomGPUWP_MultiView_Styled" demo (UWP MultiView UI) to show how you can flexible adjust controls for VCL Styles
- fixed: TscGPPageControl and TscGPTabControl scroll buttons behavior and scaling in Berlin and Tokyo
Version 4.15
- added: TscGPPageViewer control - transparent page control with
pages, which inherited from TscGPPanel (see new CustomGPUWP_MultiView
- added: new shape styles for TscGPButton, TscGPGlyphButton
and TscGPCharGlyphButton controls (scgpLeftLine, scgpRightLine,
scgpTopLine, scgpBottomLine)
- added: ScaleInt, ScaleDouble methods to the TscStyledForm component (scale values unsing scale factor of current form)
- added:
TscGPPanel.BlurBackgorund and TscGPPanel.BlurBackgorundAmount
properties (now background of the panel can be with blur effect)
- added:
New High-DPI "CustomGPUWP_MultiView" demo to show how you can create
UWP MultiView UI (see all new features, from 4.15 version, in this demo(variant with SmartEffects was added too))
Version 4.11
- added: Options.ArrowType property for TscGPButton, TscGPGlyphButton and TscGPCharGlyphButton controls (see GPControls demo)
- added: new scgptssRoundedFrame shape style for thumb in TscGPTrackBar control (see GPControls demo)
- improved: SmartEffects support (see new stylecontrols_ribbon demo in SmartEffects demos)
- improved: TscStyledForm component with DWMClientShadow = True
Version 4.10
- added: TscGPCharGlyphButton (Button control with vector shape + it uses FontAwesome to draw char as
glyph (see "Char Image" page in "GPControls" and "CustomGPRibbon_NextGen" demos))
- added: TscGPCharImage (Analogue of TImage control, but it uses FontAwesome and GDI+ to draw char as
image (see "Char Image" page in "GPControls" demo))
- added:
TscGPTabOptions.TabStyle property in all GP pager controls (now tab can
has bottom line style - see new "CustomGPRibbon_NextGen" demo)
- added: "CustomGPRibbon_Extended" demo - additional UWP demo with Application Menu in full client area
- added:
"CustomGPRibbon_NextGen" demo - additional UWP demo with next, more
simple Ribbon UI, which MS planned in 2019 + it shows TscGPCharGlyphButton control
- updated: help
Version 4.05
- added: TscGPCircledProgressBar.OnGetProgressText event
- added:
second color adjustment (color and alpha value for each state in
Options property) for gradient shape in TscGPButton, TscGPGlyphButton
- added: FillColor2, FillColor2Alpha and FillGradientAngle properties for TscGPLabel control
- improved: TscGPProgressBar and TscGPCircledProgressBar controls
- improved: TscAdvancedListBox, TscHorzListBox, TscGridView, TscGPListBox controls (OnItemClick event handling)
- fixed: scaling and key handling in TscGPToggleSwitch control
- updated: GPControls and CustomGPUWP_SplitView2 demos
- updated: demos with SmartEffects VCL
- updated: help
Version 4.01
- improved: scaling and resizing of edit controls
- fixed: some problems when you move form between monitors when scStyledForm.DWMClientShadowHitTest = True
- updated: MediaPlayerUWP demo - now TscGPEdit in caption can has Align = alRight
- added: CustomGPUWP_SplitView2 demo
Version 4.0
- added: TscStyledForm.DWMClientShadowHitTest (now DWM shadow can
has hit test and you can resize form with it (for UWP-like applicaitons
on Windows 7, 8, 10))
- added: set of new methods for TscStyledForm to create UWP-like applications (see demos and help)
- added: a lot of improvements in the TscStyledForm component to create UWP-like applicaitons
- added: improvements and optimizations in drawing methods of base classes for controls
- added: properties for wallpapers and custom imgs in TscGPPanel and TscGPListBox controls
- added: TscGPPanel.Sizeable property (now it or parent control (form) can be resized with mouse))
- added: DregForm property in TscPanel and TscGPPanels
- added: TscGPGlyphButton.GlyphOptions.Size (your custom size) and TscGPGlyphButton.GlyphOptions.ThicknessScaled properties
- added: TscAppPager.CaptionCursor and TscAppPager.CaptionCursorEnabled properties (custom cursor for caption)
- added: improvements in TscGPVirtualImageList component + new very important DirectDraw property (see help for details)
- added: a lot of optimizations and improvements in code for different controls
- updated: all UWP-like demos - new code, new properties and methods for components and controls (very big changes)
- updated: help
- added: VCL Styles support for DevExpress VCL v.18.X (new special adapter unit)
- improved: drawing of TscListView, TscTreeView control with VCL Styles
- added: TscExPanel.FrameColor property
- added: ShowEllipsis property for TscLabel, TscGPLabel controls
- added ItemWordWrap, ItemShowEllipsis for TscGPListBox, TscGPComboBox controls
- added: ListBoxItemWordWrap, ListBoxItemShowEllipsis for TscGPComboEdit control
- improved: TscGPGlyphButton control
- improved: dialog button drawing in TscGPToolGroupPanel control
- improved: dialog methods in scDialogs unit
- updated: demos and help
- added: SplitButton property for TscGPButton and TscGPGlyphButton controls
- added: Add methods in TscAdvancedListBox, TscAdvancedComboBox, TscAdvancedComboEdit controls to quickly add items from TStrings
- added: Add methods in TscGPListBox, TscGPComboBox,
TGPComboEdit controls to quickly add items from TStrings
- added: TscStyledForm.DropDownBorderColor property
- improved: TscStyledForm component (NC objects behavior + some fixes)
- improved: TscSplitView control on High-DPI systems
- added: new demo - Ribbon UI Andalogue with GP (GDI+) controls (CustomGPRibbon folder)
- updated: some demos and help
- added: Intertial animation and AnimationType property for TscSplitView control
- improved: TscSplitView control
- added: InterpolationType property for TscGPVirtualImageList and TscGPVirtualImage
- improved: TscGPImageCollection, TscGPImage, TscGPVirtualImageList components
- added: new property editor to set PngImage in TscGPImage and TscGPImageCollection components
- improved: DB editros controls
- added: some small improvements and optimizations in code
- updated: demos and help
- added: ShowCloseButton property for each tab in
TscAdvancedPageControl, TscAdvancedTabControl, TscToolPager,
TscGPPageControl, TscGPTabControl, TscGPToolPager controls
(now you can
enable / disable close button for each tab (ShowCloseButtons must be
True in parent page / tab control)) - improved: TscAppPager control behavior in
designing time
- added: TscGPDBText control
- fixed:
TscComboBox scaling in Tokyo (Style = csDropDown)
- fixed: some problems with popup menu to change
month in TscMonthCalendar, TscGPMonthCalendar
- improved: TscTrackBar control scaling with VCL
- added:
TscStyleManger.MenuSelectionStyle property (now styled menus can has
styled or color selection (color selection looks more good with GP
(GDI+) controls))
- improved: TscListView control (extended column
- improved: some style hook classes (VCL Styles
- updated: GP controls demos
- updated: help
- added:
full support of native system animations for custom form with
TscStyledForm.DWMClientShadow = True (see CustomGPForm..., GPControls
- improved: custom drop down form behavior when
it resizing (TscStyledForm.DropDownForm = True)
- updated: TscGPSizeBox control (mouse
handling is fully rewritten)
- improved: TscStatusBar control
(accepting controls)
- updated: GPControls demo (GDI+ controls) - now
it has TscStyledForm.DWMClientShadow solution
- improved: VCL Styles support
- improved: High-DPI support
- improved: TscStyledForm component
- fixed: TscExPanel.OnCaptionClick not
fired when Moveable = True
- updated: "CustomGPForm 2" high-dpi demo
- added: TscExPanel.BorderWidth property (defines
border to resize control (Sizeable = True) and client area)
- improved: items drawing in all listboxes and
comboboxes (themed and GP controls)
- updated: ExPanel demo
- updated: high-dpi demo for TscToolPager control
(ribbon analogue demo)
- updated: help
- added:
TscGridPanel control (full analogue of standard TGridPanel,
inherited from TscPanel (with different styles for border and
background, wallpapers))
- improved: TscDateEdit, TscDBDateEdit controls
- updated: high-dpi demo for TscAppPager control
- updated: help
- added:
TscToggleSwitch and TscGPToggleSwitch controls (analogue of existing
TscSwitch, TscGPSwitch controls, but with captions and focus)
- added:
TscGPVirtualImageList.SourceImageCollection property (now
TscGPImageCollection can be source)
- added: TscGPVirtualImageList.Update method
- improved: TscGPImageCollection,
TscGPVirtualImageList components
- improved: TscStyledForm component (behavior of
styled form)
- updated some demos and help
- added: TscCoolBar control, which inherited from
TCoolBar and has improvements for themed and styled modes
- added:
TscControlBar control, which inherited form TControlBar and has
different styles for background, wallpaper from TscImageCollection,
TscGPImageCollection components
- added: IsModified method to the
TscSpinEdit, TscAdvancedComboEdit, TscGPSpinEdit, TscGPComboEdit (as
additional to standard Modified property)
- added: scexphsCategoryHeader style
for header in TscExPanel control
- updated: main and expanel demos
- added: TscExPanel.OnCaptionDblClick event
- added:
TscExPanel.ChangeRollStateWithCaptionClick property
- improved: TscGPCheckBox, TscGPRadioButton
controls (bidi support + support of Layout property)
- fixed: drawing of styled TscStatusBar when some
panel has width = 0
- improved: support of
TscStykeManager.StyleArrowType property in styled forms and controls
- improved: scaling of TscTrackBar,
TscDBNavigator with VCL Styles
- updated: help and some demos
- added: TscStyleManager.StyleArrowType
property (global property to define arrow types in controls
and menus)
- added: support of
TscStyleManager.StyleArrowType in controls and menus with VCL Styles
- improved: all custom common dialogs
- improved: TscStyledForm component
- updated: help and some demos
- added: PromptTextColor for all themed and GP
edit controls
- improved: TscNumericEdit, TscSpinEdit,
TscGPNumericEdit and TscGPSpinEdit controls
- updated: drawing of combobox arrow in some
controls if "Windows10..." VCL Style enabled
- added: ProgressColor, ProgressColorAlpha and
ShowProgress for TscGPDial control
- added: HeaderStyle, HeaderColor,
ButtonGlyphColor for TscExPanel control (now header can be colorized)
- improved: TscToolBar control with Flat = True +
VCL Styles Enabled (now buttons is flat too)
- fixed: TscShellComboBox problem under
- improved: TscShellListView control
- updated: help and some GP demos
- fixed: shortcuts problems in some controls
- improved: button controls
- improved: custom
- added: some optimizations in code
- updated: help and some demos
- tested in RAD Studio Tokyo 10.2 Release1
- added:
ThumbOptions.Cursor and ThumbOptions.UseCursor properties in
TscTrackBar and TscGPTrackBar controls (custom cursor for thumb)
- added: some improvements for different edit
- fixed: TscLabel.VertAlignment not works with
AutoSize = True
- fixed: problems with setting in code
of FilterIndex property for custom shell dialogs
- added: HintComponent (TscHint) property for all
edit controls (themed and GP)
- added: Hint and ShowHint propertires for
LeftButton and RightButton in all edit controls (themed and GP)
- fixed: mouse wheel behavior with multiselection
in TscDBGrid control
- added: some minor improvements
- added: keyboard support for popup calendar in
TscDateEdit, TscGPDateEdit controls
- fixed: behaviour of GP (GDI+) editors with
AutoSize = False
- improved: TscStyledForm component
under Seattle (when form moving between monitors with different
- added: some minor improvements
- updated: some demos
- added: TscDateEdit.BlanksChar property
- fixed: problem with TscDBDateEdit.ReadOnly
- improved: TscMonthCalendar drawing with
StyleKind = scpsEdit
- added: GroupIndex support for TscGPGlyphButton
- added: FrameSides property for TscGPPanel
control (now you can show / hide any side of the panel frame)
- improved: TscTrackBar control
- added: optimizations in code
- added: TscGPSizeBox control (control with
vector glyph and hittest = HTBOTTOMRIGHT to resize form)
- updated: CustomGPForm2 demo with TscGPSizeBox
- added: some improvents to controls
- added: TscLabel.DragForm property (If True then
parent form will be dragging with this label (form caption emulation))
- added: TscStyledForm.OnChangeActive
- improved: TscGPPanel, TscGPGlyphButton controls
- added: CustomGPForm2 demo
with TscStyledForm.DWMClientShadow = True and new properties
for controls (see above)
- updated: CustomGPForm demo
- added: TscStyledForm.DWMClientShadow property
(If True then component adds system DWM shadow for form with
BorderStyle = bsNone)
- updated: CustomGPForm demo
with TscStyledForm.DWMClientShadow = True
- improved: TscGPButton control
- added: support of RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo
Version 3.66
- added: TscListView.ExtendedColumnDraw property
(now you can set
Column.Tag = 1 and control will draws progressbar in column
automatically, Column.Tag = 2 - control draws checkbox)
- improved: TscGPVertPageControl,
TscGPVertTabControl controls
- added: new demo with
TscGPVertTabControl + TIKPageView (from ImageKit) controls
(3D transitions with GP controls)
- added: some changes in code to support CrossVCL
tool (Build VCL application for macOS (now in progress))
Version 3.65
- added: TscGPVertPageControl,
TscGPVertTabControl (cool GP
controls with vertical list of tabs, vector shape for tab and with a
lot of features for customization)
- added: OnItemCheckClick event for
TscAdvancedComboBox and TscGPComboBox (for CheckedListMode = True)
- added: OnListBoxDrawItem event for
TscAdvancedComboBox control (special for popup listbox)
- improved: all advanced page and tab controls
Version 3.64
- added: CheckedListMode, CheckedListWrap
properties for
TscAdvancedComboBox, TscGPComboBox controls (If True then popup listbox
has checkboxes and control draws list of checked items (Item1;
Item2; ...))
- added: AlternateRow property for all grid
- improved: VCL Styles support + High-DPI support
in MDI applications (TscStyledForm component)
- improved: High-DPI support in
TscDBLookUpComboBox control
- improved: rotate animation with acceleration in
TscGPImage control
- fixed: some minor bugs
Version 3.63
- added: ImageCollection, ImageIndex, ShowImage
property for TscGPDial, TscGPGearDial, TscGPMeter, TscGPMeter120
- added: ShowValue, FormatStrValue property for
TscGPGearDial control
- improved: all GP meters and dials controls
- fixed: some problems under C++Builder
- updated: all C++Builder demos
- updated: GP Controls demo and help
Version 3.62
- added: AnimationAcceleration property for
TscGPCircledProgressBar, TscGPGearActivityIndicator, TscGPImage
(animation with acceleration)
- added: ImageCollection, ImageIndex, ShowImage
property for TscGPCircledProgressBar control (image in circle)
- added: AnimationLineAngle for
TscGPCircledProgressBar control
- improved: TscGPImageCollection component
(smooth HQ drawing and scaling imgs in controls)
- fixed: TscCheckListBox drawing with columns
- updated: GP Controls demo and help
Version 3.61
- added: TscGPToolPager, TscGPToolGroupPanel
(Ribbon UI analogue with GDI+ controls)
- added: TscToolGroupPanel control (TscToolPager
+ TscToolGroupPanel - Ribbon UI analogue with themed controls)
- added: TscGPScrollPanel control
- added:
StorePaintBuffer property for some controls (If True then transparent
child controls from StyleControls VCL will use special paint buffer to
get parent image. This solution really increase performance!)
- improved: TscScrollPanel control
- updated: all demos and help
Version 3.60
- added: TscGPPageControl, TscGPTabControl
(controls with vector
tabs, left and right offsets for tabs and with a lot of features to
customize colors for each tab)
- updated: demos and help
Version 3.57
- added: AutoComplete property + improved
keyboard support for
TscAdvancedListBox, TscAdvancedComboBox, TscHorzListBox,
TscGridView, TscGridViewComboBox controls
- added: Sort method for TscAdvancedListBox
and TscAdvancedComboBox controls
- added: AutoComplete
property, Sort method + improved keyboard support for
TscGPListBox, TscGPComboBox (GDI+ controls)
- added: sctpbsLineTopBottom,
sctpbsLine2TopBottom border styles for TscToolPager control
- added: TscStyledForm.StylesMenuSorted property
(now style names in form system menu can be sorted)
- improved: TscToolPager and TscAdvancedPager
controls + some fixes
Version 3.56
- added: TscGPLabel control (label control, which
has properties as TLabel, TscLabel control + vector shape)
- added: TscGPGearActivityIndicator (control to
show animated vector gears)
- added: new border style for TscAdvancedPager,
TscAdvancedTabControl, TscToolPages controls (see help)
- added: Enabled property for TscGalleryMenu items
- added: microphone vector glyph type
for the TscGPEdit buttons
- improved: TscButtonsBar control
- improved: TscColorButton control (popup color
grid behavior with custom colors)
- fixed: drawing of microphone vector glyphs in
- updated: demos and help
Version 3.55
- added: ArrowType property for TscGPMeter and
TscGPMeter120 control (now it can be line or arrow)
- added: DisplayFormat and CurrecyString
properties for TscNumericEdit and TscGPNumericEdit controls
- added:
ShowCustomColors, ShowPopupColorsFromRight properties for
TscColorButton control (now you can set array of custom colors in popup
color grid)
- updated: TscFontDialog (now color button with
custom colors)
- improved: TscMonthCalendar,
- improved: some vector glyphs in TscGPGlyphButton
- improved: TscEdit and TscGPEdit controls
- fixed: some minor bugs
- updated: demos and help
Version 3.54
- added: 50+ new vector glyphs for
TscGPGlyphButton control
(gear, star, copy, cut, paste, font, fill, maps, help and many more for
most of actions (now it has > 100 kinds))
- added: TscGPGlyphButton.TextMargin property
(see help)
- added: "Refresh" vector glyph kind for buttons
in TscGPEdit control
- updated: GP Controls demo and help
Version 3.53
- added: TscGPGlyphButton control (button with
vector shape and vector glyph (50 kinds))
- improved: vector glyphs in TscGPEdit control
- updated: GP Controls demo and help
Version 3.52
- added: TscGPMemo, TscGPDBMemo controls (Memo
control with vector shape, background and scrollbars (GP (GDI +)
- added: TscGPGroupBox control
- improved: TscMemo control + fixed problems with
- updated: demos and help
Version 3.51
- added: new GP (GDI +) controls:
TscGPDateEdit, TscGPTimeEdit, TscGPPasswordEdit, TscGPSpinEdit
with vector shapes, backgrounds, glyphs)
- added: new DB GP
controls: TscGPDBDateEdit, TscGPDBTimeEdit,
TscGPDBPasswordEdit, TscGPDBSpinEdit
Version 3.50
- added: new set of GP (GDI +) controls:
TscGPComboBox, TscGPEdit, TscGPComboEdit, TscGPNumericEdit (controls
with vector shapes, backgrounds, own vector scrollbars and more)
- added: new
set of DB GP controls: TscGPDBListBox, TscGPDBComboBox,
TscGPDBEdit, TscGPDBComboEdit, TscDBGPNumericEdit
- improved: some GP controls
- improved: TscAdvancedListBox control
- updated: help and some demos
- coming soon more GP controls
Version 3.38
- added: PromptText property for TscPasswordEdit
- added: GroupAlphaColor, AutoSize, RowHeight for
TscListGroupPanel control
- improved: TscSplitView control
- improved: scale support for
TscColorDialog and for TscHSColorPicker, TscLColorPicker
- fixed: some problems with custom dialogs with
"Classic" Theme and high dpi's (Windows 7)
- updated: help and some demos
Version 3.37
- added: TscListGroupPanel control (panel
control, which looks as
listbox group with header (see Win10_Modern_app2 demo("Options" split
- added:
new scapsModern selection style and
property for TscAppPager control (see demos and help)
- improved: TscScrollBox control
- improved: TscAdvancedListbox and
TscAdvancedComboBox controls
- updated: help and some demos
Version 3.35
- added: TscAdvancedTabControl control
- improved: TscTooPager, TscAdvancedPager
- added: new demo
with TscAdvancedTabControl + TIKPageView control (from
ImageKit) to show 3D transtions between pages
- updated: help and some demos
Version 3.32
- added: TscStyledForm.InActiveClientBlurAmount
and TscStyledForm.InActiveClientColorAlpha properties
adjustment of blurred glass effect for form client)
- improved: TscStyledForm component (behavior of
the form with buttons and tabs in NC area and fixed some bugs)
- added: some optimizations in code
- updated: help and some demos
Version 3.31
- added: blurred glass effect for form client
TscStyledForm.InActiveClientColor property and
- fixed: position of dropdown form in some cases
(TscStyledForm.DropDown method)
- fixed: MDI form behavior with close query in
child forms (TscStyledForm component)
- updated: help and some demos
Version 3.30
- added: support of SmartEffect VCL (now you can
use all controls in transition effects)
- added: special events in different controls to
use SmartEffects animation (see demos)
- added: demos with SmartEffects VCL
Version 3.21
- fixed: shadow effect scaling in GP controls +
improved these effects
- fixed: drawing of popup calendar border with
some styles in TscDateEdit control
Version 3.20
- added: collection of GP DB controls (10
- added: KnobShadow property for TscGPDial and
TscGPGearDial controls
- added: Ribbon UI Analogue demos
Version 3.17
- added: ArrowShadow and FrameShadow properties
for TscGPMeter, TscGPMeter120, TscGPClock controls (shadow effects)
- added:
ThumbShadow, FrameSolid, FrameOnSolid, FrameInside properties for
TscGPSwitch (now you can customize switch as in iOS or Android)
- added: ThumbShadow property for TscGPSlider
- added: ArrowShadow property for TscGPHVMeter
- added: DrawOnlyClient property for
TscGPImageCollectionItem object
- improved: scaing of TscActivityIndicator
control (now it scaled with high quality)
- updated: GP Controls demo
- added: Ribbon UI Analogue demo
- updated: help
Version 3.15
- added: interaction between TscGPImage and
TscGPImageCollection components
- added: TscGPImage.PngImage property
- added: TscGPPanel.FillColor2 property and
improved gradient filling feature
- added: TscScrollPanel.ScrollButtonWidth property
- added: some optimizatinos in code of
TscGPImageCollection component
- improved: TscScrollPanel control
- improved: TscToolPager control
- added: new High-DPI demos
Version 3.12
- added: TscGPImageCollection component
(collection of imgs with different drawing styles. imgs can be HQ
scaled to any scale factor) - added: ScaleFrameWidth and
ScaleCheckMarkThickness properties for TscGPCheckBox control
- improved: animation and behavior of TscSwitch
and TscGPSwitch controls
- updated: some part of code in controls to use
TscImageCollection and TscGPImageCollection components
- updated: GP controls demo and help
Version 3.11
- added: TscGPVirtualImageList component
list component, which can uses one external TImageList as source for
You can set dynamically size, scale factor (High-DPI support is
easy now) for imgs and get smooth HQ scaling!) - added: ShowValue, FormatStrValue and
ValueTextColor properties for TscGPDial control
- improved: TscGPMeter120 control
- improved: TscGPSlider control
- updated: TscButtonsBar control (added new
properties and some part of code was rewritten, see help)
- updated: GP Controls demo and help
- updated: High-DPI demo "Win10_Modern_App" - now
it uses TscGPVirtualImageList component with one TImageList component
- updated: help
Version 3.10
- added: TscGPHVMeter control
- added: TscGPSlider control
- added: TscGPMeter120 control
- improved: some GP controls
- updated: GP Controls demo and help
Version 3.07
- added: TscGPClock control
- added: TscGPDial and TscGPGearDial controls
- updated: TscGPMeter control in most part
- added: imgs and ImageIndex property for
TscGPImage (now it can use image from TscImageCollection component)
- updated: GP Controls demo and help
Version 3.05
- added: TscGPMeter - cool rounded meter control
with advanced features
- updated: GP Controls demo and help
Version 3.03
- added:
RotationAngle and RotateAnimation properties for TscGPImage control
(now you can rotate image or activate rotate animation for it)
- added: AnimationMode and Active properties for
TscGPProgressBar and TscGPCircledProgressBar controls (progress
- updated: help and demo for GP controls
- fixed: custom font color not applied in
TscRichEdit control when VCL Style enabled
Version 3.02
- added: code to
the scStyleManager unit (TscStyleManager component) to improve scale
(High-DPI) support for styled system common dialogs (for Seattle+
- improved: drawing of checkmark in TscGPCheckBox
- improved: TscPasswordEdit control
- improved: TscButtonsBar, TscFrameBar controls
(scale support)
Version 3.01
- added: additional properties to customize
shapes in TscGPCheckBox, TscGPRadionButton controls
- added: additional properties to customize
gradient filling in TscGPButton, TscGPPanel controls
- added: properties to add and adjust
clip frame for picture in TscGPImage control
- improved: some code in scDrawUtils unit
- updated: demos and help
Version 3.0
- added: collection of controls, which
based on GDI+ vector graphic (controls
can automatically use colors from styles or custom colors for different
- added: demo for new collection of vector
controls (see "gpcontrols(new)!!!" demo folder)
- added: High-DPI demo for new collection of
vector controls
- updated: help
- added: TscButton.ImageMargin property (Define
area for image in button (Margin property will be ignored). This
property is really useful, for example, on TscSplitView control. Set
ImageMargin = TscSplitView.CompactWidth and buttons will scale area for
image properly (image always will be in center of rectangle, which
defined by this property))
- added: new demo-project for High-DPI demos
- updated: win10_modern_app... demos
- improved: some style hook classes
- added: scDialogs unit with scMessageDlg,
scMessageDlgEx, scShowMessage, scShowMessageEx methods
with High-DPI (scale) support (scaling of VCL Styles is fully
supported now) +
- fixed: scaling problems in RAD Studio 10.1
- improved: scaling of custom dialogs
- improved: drawing and behavour of some controls
- added: scaling support to any scale factor
125%, 150% - 250% and more) for styled form borders (auto
adjust all VCL Style elements + buttons and tabs in caption)
- added: TscStyleManager.ScaleFormBorder property
to enable / disable scaling border of styled form
- added: TscColorGrid, TscCustomColorGrid,
TscLColorPicker, TscHSColorPicker controls (TscColorDialog uses these
- improved: scaling of controls to any scale
factor (100%,
125%, 150% - 250% and more )
- updated: code for TscPrintDialog,
- added: special
properties, events, methods for TscStyledForm component to create
custom dropdown (popup) form and use it with any controls (see help and
new demo)
- added: special properties, events, methods for
TscButton control to work with custom dropdown (popup) forms (see help
and new demo)
- added: new demo with
dropdown forms (see "DropDownForms" folder in samples)
- added: new style kind for TscButton control
(StyleKind = scbsDropDownCombo)
- added:
WordWrap, UseImageFromAction, UseImageIndexFromAction properties for
TscButton, TscCheckBox and TscRadioButton controls
- added: improvements and fixes in some
- updated demos and help
- added: TscTimeEdit.TimeFormat property (now it
can be 12 hour) + improved behavior of this control
- improved: TscDBTimeEdit control
- improved: drawing of TscNumericEdit,
TscCalcEdit, TscSpinEdit controls with DisplayType = scedtCurrency
- fixed: some problems with TscFontDialog
- updated: form of TscPrintDialog (now it uses
TscAdvancedPager control)
- added: additional demo with Windows 10 Modern UI
- added: TscTrackEdit control (numeric edit with
popup trackbar)
- added: a lot of improvements and new
demo for TscExPanel control
- improved: grid controls
- improved: TscColorDialog (added TscTrackEdit
- updated demos and help
- added: TscPrintDialog (all dialogs in one) -
custom printer dialog, which based on own controls
- added: TscFontDialog - compact font dialog,
which based on own controls
- added: TscPanel.OnPaintPanel event
- updated demos
- added: TscColorDialog - custom color dialog,
which based on own controls
- added: TscColorButton.ColorDialogCustom
property (TscColorDialog)
- improved: TscStyledForm component
- updated demos and help
- added: support of RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin
- added: TscImage control (analogue of TImage,
but inherited from TscPanel)
- added: TscFilterComboBox control (file filters)
- added:
TscSelectPathDialog, TscOpenDialog, TscSaveDialog,
TscOpenPictureDialog, TscSavePictureDialog - custom dialogs, which
based on own shell controls
- updated: shell controls demo
- updated: code for dblookup controls
- added:
Indent property for items in advanced listbox, combobox, comboedit
controls - now you can use them as advanced analogue of comboboxex
control and create tree of items
- improved: checkboxes support in TscTreeView
- improved: TscComboBoxEx control
- improved: all shell controls
- improved: Windows XP support
- updated: demos and help
- added:
TscExPanel.OnCaptionClick event
- added: support of TscExPanel.CaptionHeight = 0
- added: Default, Cancel, ModalResult,
ModalSetting properties for TscButton control
- added: DropDownPosition property for
TscAdvancedComboBox, TscAdvancedComboEdit and TscGridViewComboBox
- fixed: drawing of TscTreeView checkboxes with
some fonts
- improved: support of
Windows 10 system
- added:
TscExPanel control - panel, which can roll horizontally, vertically
with special rollup-button and can be hidden with close button + you
can use it perfectly on TscScrolBox control
- added:
TscButton.ArrowPosition, TscColorButton.ArrowPosition
property (now arrow and split part can be at bottom)
- added: segmented styles for TscColorButton
control (as for TscButton)
- added: TscLabel.VertAlignment property
- improved: High-DPI support
- fixed: TscAppPager.Align property always is
- updated: demos and help
- added:
scbsSegmentedLeft, scbsSegmentedMiddle, scbsSegmentedRight,
scbsSegmentedToolLeft, scbsSegmentedToolMiddle,
scbsSegmentedToolRight values for TscButton.StyleKind property
- added: ShowCaption, WidthWithCaption,
WidthWithoutCaption properties for TscButton control
- updated: demos and help
- added: TscHtmlLabel control (label, which has
support of html tags in caption)
- added: support of checkboxes in treeview
- added: some small improvements in different
- updated: demos and help
- added: High-DPI support in all
controls ("Enable High-DPI" option available sinse 10 Seattle)
- added: a lot of improvements and changes in
controls, components for scaling to any big resolution
- updated: TscDBNavigator control (it fully
rewritten to support High-DPI and new visual features)
- added: High-DPI demos
- updated: help
- added: TscDBAdvancedComboEdit control
- added: TscDBAdvancedComboBox control
- added: TscDBAdvancedListBox control
- improved: TscAdvancedComboEdit,
TscAdvancedListBox, TscAdvancedComboBox control behavour
- improved: some DB controls
- improved: TscStyledForm component
- updated: drawing of themed selection in all
- improved: drawing of TscButton
- added: SelectionStyle property for grids
- improved: drawing of grids
- improved: drawing of TscAppPager control
- added: touch
scrolling support for TscDBGrid control
- added: TscScrollBox.FullUpdate property and
some optimizations for this control
- added:
touch scrolling support for all advanced controls with list-items
(TscAdvancedListBox, TscGridView, TscAppPager and other controls)
- added: touch scrolling for
TscScrollPanel and for pages in TscToolPager
control (see TouchScroll property)
- improved: touch scrolling for TscScrollBox
control and other controls, which inherired from it
- added: ScrollButtonWidth property for
TscToolPager and TscAdvancedPager controls
- improved: filter method for TscAdvancedListBox
- added:
OnGetTabDrawParams event to the TscToolPager and TscAdvancedPager
controls (now you can customize font for each tab, for example)
- added: Hint
property support for TscGalleryMenu items (see
TscGalleryMenu.HintComponent and TscGalleyMenu.ShowHints properties
- added: PopupExt and PopupFromRectExt methods
for TscGalleryMenu
- added: ShowGalleryMenuFromTop,
ShowGalleryMenuFromRight properties for TscButton
- added: ShowMenuArrow property for TscButton
- updated: help
- updated: demos
- fixed: scrolling behavior of pages in
TscAppPager, TscModernPager, TscAdvancedPager controls with VCL Styles
- fixed: adjusting page position in TscToolPager
control when BorderStyle = sctpbsLine
- added: some optimizations in code
- added: TscStyledForm.OnHitTest event
- improved: TscListView control
- improved: TscMemo control
- improved: TscRichEdit control behavior
- added: TscAdvancedListBox.Filter property
(filter for items)
- added: TscAdvancedComboEdit.UseFilter (filter
for popup listbox)
- added: PromptText property for editor controls
- improved: TscStyledForm component
- updated: demos and help
- added:
TscStringGrid, TscDrawGrid and TscDBGrid (grids with transparency,
wallpapers, transparent editors and more features)
- improved: editor controls and some DB controls
- updated: demos and help
- added:
OnMouseMove, OnMouseDown, OnMouseUp, OnMouseEnter and OnMouseLeave
events for buttons and tabs in NC area (TscStyledForm component)
- added: TscActivityIndicator.Kind property and 2
new kind of it (scaikCircle and scaikSectors)
- added: some optimizations in code
- improved: TscAdvancedComboEdit control
- improved: TscComboBox control (work with Style
and StyleKind properties)
- fixed: some problems with TscSplitView control
when you changed Visible property
- added: 20 DB controls with advanced features
- added: new demo with some DB controls
- added: TscRichEdit control
- improved: TscHint component
- improved: TscStyledForm component
- added: TscAdvancedPager control
- added: new demo with TscAdvancedPager control
- improved: TscToolPager control
- improved: TscGalleryMenu component
- updated: help
- added: TscWebBrowser control
- added: new demo for TscWebBrowser control
- added: fixes and behaviour improvements in all
edit controls
- added: some optimizations in code
- added: TscActivityIndicator control
- added: TscRelativePanel control
- improved: TscSplitView control
- added: new demo for TscSplitView control
- improved: drawing of some controls with styles
- updated: demos
- updated: help
- added: TscSwitch control
- updated: TscStyleManager component (styled
menus works since XE2 now)
- added: TscModernSplitView, TscSplitView,
TscPageViewer controls to create Windows 10 Modern Applications
- added: demo of Windows 10 Modern UI Application
- added: TscHint component
- added: TscBalloonHint component
- added: Hints support for buttons and tabs in NC
area of the form (TscStyledForm component)
- added: TscStyleManager component (TscStyledMenu
was removed)
- added: a lot of improvements for different
controls and style hook classes
- added: a lot of optimizations in code
- fixed: some bugs in controls
- updated: demos and help
- added: TscStatusBar control
- added: TscToolBar control
- added: GroupIndex, Down and AllowAllUp
properties for NC area buttons (TscStyledForm component)
- improved: support of styled menus
- updated: demos and help
- added: improved TscStyledMenu component
(updated and improved styled menu drawing)
- fixed: glow effect drawing on TscButton control
- added: a lot of properties and events to
TscStyledForm component to add buttons and tabs in NC area of styled
- added: tabsheet style for TscPanel control
- added: tab styles for TscButton control
- added: TscButton.OnPaint event
- added: new demos
- updated: help and demos
- improved:
TscStyledForm component
- added: mdi demo with TscStyledForm
- added: TscStyledForm.ClientWidth and
TscStyledForm.ClientHeight properties (store client size after style
- added: TscStyledForm.ShowStylesMenu and
TscStyledForm.StylesMenuCaption properties (add styles menu in system
menu of the form)
- added: optimization in controls to draw glow
effect more faster
- added:
TscStyledForm component (component to adjust and improved behaviour of
styled form(owner of this component))
- added:
TscStyledMenu component (component to adjust styled menus (works since
XE6) and adds
advanced features: alphablend, wallpapers, items as headers)
- added: RAD Studio 10 Seattle support
- added: TscComboBox.StyleKind property
- fixed: TscImageCollection component (updated
saving method for stored 32-bit bitmap to png)
- improved: TscComboBoxEx control
- improved: TscFrameBar control
- improved: TscToolPager control
- improved: behaviour of TscShellComboBox control
- added: optmizations in source code for some
- updated: some demos and help
- added: optimizations for TscToolPager
- improved: drawing of items in TscAppPager
- improved: drawing of
selection in controls when ShowFocusRect = False
- added: 64-bit compiled demos
- added: TscToolPager control (analogue of
PageControl with left, right offset for tabs to put any controls after
and before tabs)
- added: scsbsTabSheet background style for
TscScrollBox control
- improved: Windows 10 support
- improved: behaviour and drawing of all edit
- fixed: drawing of TscAdvancedComboBox,
TscGridViewComboBox controls in some style kinds
- improved: buttons behaviour in
TscAdvancedListBox items
- improved: drawing of TscCheckBox,
TscRadioButton, TscGroupBox controls
- added: some optimizations in code
- added: TscScrollPanel control
- added: demo for TscScrollPanel control
- added: TscShellListView.AutoExecute property
- added: new style kinds for edit controls
- added: TscAppPager.OnCaptionClick property
- added: TscAppPager control
- added: demo for TscAppPager control
- added: RAD Studio XE8 support
- added: a lot of changes, improvements with new
properties in most controls
- added: custom imgs support with new style
kinds in most of controls (buttons, checkboxes, selection, backgrounds
and more)
- added: TscImageCollection.Bitmap property (you
can set Bitmap property form PNG file and get 32-bitmap for using in
- added:
TscImageCollection.BitmapOptions property (you can set parameters of
how Bitmap will be draw in control (margins, alphablend, draw style and
- added: Customimgs and other properties in
most of controls to use custom imgs for control's elements
- added: TscTrackBar and TscProgressBar control
with many advanced features
- added: a lot of new options in
TscAdvancedListBox control
- updated: demos
- added: TscAdvancedComboBox.ListBoxStyle property
- added: TscAdvancedComboEdit.ListBoxStyle
- improved: behaviour of TscAdvancedListBox
control with group styles
- added:
new style with active bottom line (focused state) for edit
and advanced combobox controls (see StyleKind property)
- added: TscAdvancedListBox.Style property - now
it can be with plain style or with 2 types of groups
- added: TscAdvancedListBox.GroupBackgroundColor
- improved: TscAdvancedComboEdit control
- updated: demos and help
- improved: drawing of treeview and
listview controls when VCL Style is enabled and DoubleBuffered = True
- improved: shell controls
- fixed: problem with
loading TscShellListView control when ThumbnailOptions.Enabled
- added: optimizations for
threads and memory usage in TscShellListView control
- improved: Thumbnails support in
TscShellListView control
- added: Thumbnails support for TscShellListView
control (see ThumbnailOptions property)
- added: a lot of improvements in the
TscShellListView control
- added: OnItemDrawImage event to the TscListView
- fixed: some bugs in shell controls
- added: new scbsColorButton style kind
for TscButton
- added: TscButton.ColorOptions property to
adjust colors for body, frame and text for all states
- improved: updown control behaviour in
- fixed: some bugs in TscAdvancedListBox and
TscLinkBar controls
- added: TscMonthCalendar, TscDateEdit controls
- added: TscTimeEdit control
- added: TscSpinEdit control
- added: RepeatClick and RepeatClickInterval
properties for buttons in edits
- added: ButtonColor and ButtonGlyphColor
properties for TscTreeView control
- added: some fixes and optimizations in
- renamed: scReg.pas to scPReg.pas and
scUtils.pas to scDrawUtils.pas (prevent conflicts with other
third-party components)
- added: TscScrollBox control - scrollbox with
wallpaper and smooth scrolling
- added: TscFrameBar controls - control with
dynamic frames and buttons to hide and show frames
- added: SelectionColor and SelectionTextColor
properties to all
controls with selection - now you can set your custom selection color
- added:
support of truncated text for long item's captions in
TscGridView, TscGridViewComboBox, TscHorzListBox, TscGallery controls
- added:
BalloonHint property for TscGridView, TscGridViewComboBox,
TscHorzListBox, TscGallery control - automatically show hint to see
full caption of truncated items
- added: performance optimizations for shell
controls - now they draw and scroll much more faster
- added: a lot of improvements in text drawing
- improved: behaviour and drawing of TscListView
- fixed: redrawing of TscListBox control on
- added: scDevExStyleAdapter
unit to support VCL Styles in DevExpress controls
(QuantumGrid, Scheduler and more
(v. 12, 13, 14 are supported))
- added: new demo with DevExpress QuantumGrid
- fixed: not all items select in
TscGridViewComboBox control with mouse wheel and up, down keys
- added: support for Rad Studio XE2
- added: some improvements of controls drawing
- added: TscGalleryMenu component (popup menu
with imgs in groups)
- added: TscButton.GalleryMenu propery
- added: TscColorButton control (button to select
- added: ProgressBar property for items in
TscAdvancedListBox control
- added: support for Rad Studio XE7
- added: TscButtonsBar control (panel with
buttons in sections)
- added: TscAdvancedComboEdit control
- added: Button and Detail property for items in
TscAdvancedListBox control
- added: new properties for adjusting
TscAdvancedListBox control
- added: TscFontListBox, TscFontComboBox controls
- added: TscCalcEdit control - numeric edit with
drop-down calculator
- added: new StyleKind values for TscButton and
TscPanel controls
- added: TscNumericEdit.DisplayType property
- added: AddMRUItem method to the TscListBox,
TscComboBox controls
- added: optimizations and fixes in code
- updated: demos and help
- added: TscColorListBox, TscColorBox controls
- added:
a lot of new features for TscPageControl, such as close
glow effect for tabs, wallpaper for tabs, offset for tabs, tabs in
center feature and many more
- added: new demo for TscPageControl